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It's been a few days, but I don't want to spam the comments with every single game. How about popping in once a week from here on out? Anyway, here's Yuletide Machine, which happens to be my favorite Madvent 4 game thus far. Check it out and I'll be back on the 14th!


I've been playing each game per day and I decided to play the 7th game in the lineup a bit early, but for some reason that game feels like it's broken? I can choose between the fuels and pour them in no problem, the candy cane stuff works fine, but the coal and steel refuse to work. Am I missing something?

At least one of the other things requires putting a sack where you put  the barrel for the candy, took me a  while to figure out too.

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Interesting, I didn't even see a sack, lol. I'm assuming something else is needed for the other item then.

Edit: The sacks were what I thought were newspapers, lmao. Alright, found everything out! Thanks.


Wait is this the last Madvent Calendar ever?! But why? I've had a blast playing each collection, and this year is no exception. I still have more to play, but I'm loving it so far. Well done again Haunted PS1, as well as all the devs that contributed. 


The more i play the most interesting it becomes

I like day 6 - reminds me of Cosmo D's stuff


I've got a few of their games in my Steam Backlog, this comparison may be the push to get me to finally try those out.

Off Peak is a nice short one to get started (also free I think)

so its literary a last madvent?

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What they Gave Us just crashes when I load it. All other games before that worked ok.

Edit: Number 10 crashed too.

Try moving the Madvent folder to somewhere closer to the root of your hard drive. Like for example, if it's in C:/users/personname/documents, try moving it to C:/

I have it installed through the app, is there anyway to move it without losing my progress/breaking the app connectivity?

Well I did what you said, 9 works now but 10 does not.


i've already played games 1-6 and am having  a blast so far!! thanks for another year of madvent calendar games!


Nice game, thank you very much.

Freakish Space Day One!

Excellent work. Thanks for feeding the machine.


the game was good 


I have to say this is something I wish I had known about sooner. Went through up to day 8 just today and I loved all the great games people made. I am doing a full let's play for each day.  Would love to share what I am doing with you guy. Again thank you to all the devs for making this great game. 


bunch of mediocre crap games from lazy developers !


Interesting bunch of games. Only checked out the first two so far.


Here's my day number two playthrough! Enjoy, chefs!


now my question is not why Santa is tied up but, why is he unclothed?

It would be really helpful to include on this page a list of all the games and the itch pages for all the devs, for whoever has them, so we can follow/support folks. Looking forward to going through these!


There are clickable links for everyone's socials on their credits page in the launcher, but it wouldn't hurt to add them to this page outside the launcher. Will do when I find some time.

thanks! and this is gonna sound silly do you reach the credits page? I can't do anything but select levels when the launcher is open. In fact there's no menu at all or option to exit or anything, I thought that was intentional but maybe it's a bug?

I played Yuletide Machine so far. Pretty interesting game. Definitely want to try the other games!!! (Skip to 1:08)


yay ! best time of the year again ! <3 you guys ! 


Merry Madvent and I'm very happy to play. I will enjoy this very much.


Tip for RIVP I:

Right clicking on any surface pounds your fist on it. This will cause the closest tearable object to make a thump or splash/water droplet sound. If there are multiple, only the nearest will be heard. That last part is important to remember.

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thank you, was wondering about that mechanic. I wasn't aware there are multiple exits, are there alternate paths/endings?

There aren't multiple exits/endings as far as I'm aware, but one of them gets blocked off after you use it and return later. I spent a bunch of time trying to find out how to remove the tarp in the graveyard. Turns out you actually are supposed to find a different place nearby.

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Congratulations for all the devs that worked on this Madvent!

First of all, everything related to the launcher (the introduction, the opening, the layout of the train), it's all fantastic!! Loved the concept and I'm very curious to see where the game is heading towards.

About the games themselves, I'll reply this comment with my thoughts on each of them as I play along :)


Day 1: RIVP - 1

A new entry on the RIP franchise! Very atmospheric and visually stunning game. I like how the game is able to guide you through the environments with small cues and smart level design. A great beginning to the collection :)

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Day 2: This One's From Santa

A very polished and fun game! The visuals are very good and the voice acting is on point. It also surprised me the amount of levels the game has!

My only gripe would be with the keyboard controls. I think it would be better to turn the aim using Q/E instead of Shift/Space, and then use the mouse to set the correct direction of the shot.


Day 3: Telomeria

Very beautiful game, but also very confusing... I couldn't go beyond the area with the trees, and I even found what seems like an easter egg (a certain kind of minigame 0.0). But I'm not sure if I experienced everything the game has to offer.

In any case, I appreciate the effort in order to create all those pre-rendered videos! Visually, the game is amazing!

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Day 4: Retro Cruise

My notebook didn't run it very well, so I had some problems to control how much to hold the dash button. But overall it's a very nice game, with a simple but well executed game loop and great music!

Will try to play it later on a more potent PC.


Finally played on a PC! The controls are much smoother than I thought previously! Great job!

Day 5: Antartica

I liked a lot the art style of the characters and all their death animations! I also enjoyed the challenges of the levels, using very basic mechanics but twisting them in many different ways! One highlight for me was the falling level.

I'd say the story is a little bit all over the place. I understood what happened, but maybe a focus on one character could streamline it a bit and make it more cathartic in the end. But in any case, I enjoyed my time with the game :)


Day 6: Snow Dust City Station

Interesting idea to progress the Madvent story on a game itself. Curious to see if there will be more breaks like that on the next carts.

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Day 7: Yuletide Machine

My notebook couldn't run it, will try later on a PC!


I loved the experience! The premise is very interesting, the visuals and sounds are very atmospheric and I enjoyed how the game throws you right into the action and you slowly put together piece by piece the game mechanics. Very good!

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Day 8: A Match Made In Hell

My notebook also couldn't run it. It opened but in slow motion... Will try again later!


Okay, now I played it on my PC. A very fun and enjoyable experience! I had some gripes with the writing, but the characters are all charismatic and the matchmaking process is very well done. I think some dialogue sounds for when the characters talk could make the experience more enjoyable, but overall I liked it!

P.S.: Watch out for the duck :(

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Day 9: What They Gave Us

The game crashed on my notebook... What a string of bad luck :(


Finished the game. It's a very atmospheric and unsettling game, I enjoyed my time with it. But I believe the environment is somewhat confusing to navigate through, so the initial punch of the experience is lessened a bit.

In any case, a very solid entry on this year's Madvent!

Day 10: When Hell Freezes Over

I liked the concept and the humor of this game! The torture device bit was a very good idea! I think the gameplay could be less restrictive, maybe you could complete the tasks in any order instead of finishing them linearly, but overall I had a good time with it!

Day 11: Terror on Tromos 5

One of the best games I played on this Madvent!

For me the highlight is the character movement. Traversing zero gravity areas is very engaging and the game creates many interesting challenges with it. I can easily see this idea being expanded in the future, maybe with a full-fledged title.

Besides that, the game is very beautiful and very polished. There's a sequence in the end that I wasn't expecting and I was pleasantly surprised by it... Great job for the devs!

Day 12: Frost Bite Forest Station

Nice, there are more stations! :)

Day 13: The People's Sky

Oh my... at first I thought Bitey's cutscene was just a cute and quirky interaction. But you guys really made a "message board" from the stars... Amazing.

Day 14: Ghost Cannibal

I liked this game, mainly the mechanic of pressing buttons to deal a stronger attack on the enemies. However, I believe this idea could work better on a "tower defense" style game, where the enemies would go towards the player instead of the player having to hunt them down. In any case, good job!

Day 15: The Branco Burial

Definitely an interesting experience! The designs for the characters and the environments are very strong and the story, while a little confusing, has a good hook and flows very well. A very surreal game, indeed!

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Day 16: Scary Stories

Loved this game! It's a bit cliche, but it's very well crafted and it made me realize how a NPC following you at all times can be unconfortable, even if it's a friendly one. Good job!


Oh, I almost forgot! I think it would be better to force the player to hold ESC in order to quit. I had to restart because I instinctively pressed ESC to exit the computer instead of Backspace 0.0

Day 17: Outpost #0

Visually stunning and very immersive! The game loop is simple but extremely engaging, and I can see it being expanded in order to create a true survival horror experience. Very good! 

Day 18: Chilled Coast Station

Such a cozy environment... I'm ready for the last wagon!

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Day 19: It's a Gift!

Unfortunately, the game seems to be incomplete. I tried to do many different things but I'm never able to escape the monster. And the monster itself seems to be just a placeholder model.

However, I think the idea is quite good honestly! It would be nice if the dev was able to update some things on this build.


Now the game definitely looks gorgeous! Although I prefered the original's sudden scare, the game now is much more polished and completed. Good job!

Day 20: Ipotesi

A very intriguing game... I liked the concept of exploring a city and delivering gifts, but there was a battle in the middle that left me very confused... It seems like I only won it because I lost all my stamina.

But besides that, it was an enjoyable experience. Good job!

Day 21: Snow Swallowed Whole

Loved the visuals on this one! The snowstorm effect was very good! I think it was a little bit too short, maybe it could build up more tension for the ending. But it was a nice change of pace.

Day 22: Cold Boot

I liked the visuals of this one a lot, but unfortunately the gameplay loop is not so satisfying. It's an arena shooter, but there's only one kind of enemy and it gets repetitive quickly. However, I think this is a good base for developing a more polished experience in the future! 

Day 23: RIVP - 2

A solid bookend to all the games from the collection!

Day 24: Frozen North Pole Station

And this one is the last diorama for this year's Madvent! Thank you for all the devs who participated on this collection! It was an excellent year with lots of fun and scary games!

The end is near...

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Saw the last cutscene! It was an amazing experience... Thank you for all the hardwork and for the amazing games this year! And good luck for you Vladimere on your next projects! I'll keep an eye out for them :)


Here's my playthrough of day number one's game! 


i am lightly smacking everyone in the comments urging the good folks at hps1 to keep making these forever and ever with a rolled up newspaper. madvent has been AMAZING and an absolute delight at the end of each year so far and every single developer that has contributed deserves to be commended, but I completely understand why it's time for hps1 to move on. developers are only human. I certainly can't think of a better way to have closed this out. <3 I just hope we'll still see Bitey and friends cameo in other places like future demo discs...


I'm sure there will be Madvent in some form or another next year. B)

(2 edits) (+11)

We have not discussed next year but finishing Madvent (in its current form) lets us get creative about new collab formats and possibly make our return to hosted game jams (which have fallen by the wayside). It's been getting harder to organize/ship Madvent year over year given the changing composition of the community and of course our personal lives resuming post-pandemic. 

I am happy to close curtains on this iteration of Madvent and hope everyone can share my excitement in discovering new directions for our holiday tradition next year. The community is still driven to make and release stuff and where there's a will there's a way.


can I add my voice to the masses saying: please keep making these! I look forward to them all year, it's built into my christmas traditions now. This "end of the line" talk concerns me!

Also: thank you once again for putting this all together for this year!


if one last ride means it's really the last madvent, im really saddened. it became a tradition to me, and now the thought of losing it upsets me. i love the creators of these, i want to see more from them as well :((


Finally the real Goty of the year! Love to all devs of this collection <3


merry Madvent!


its not christmas season without Madvent!

(7 edits) (+5)(-1)

Hey if you downloaded the game more than 10 minutes before this message, you got your hands on a special limited-edition release where everything is broken. >:} 

Maybe grab a new copy (v16+) if you want to play the games. Rest assured though, v16 has similar special features like game-crashing bugs, half finished builds, and outdated credits. You might want to check back in later for patches.

If you're not using the itch client, I highly recommend it. We will patch in the final cutscene/credits and a special game for the 24th later on in December and there's no need to download the whole kit again.  The client makes updates  super easy and it's not a creepazoid DRM system like steam or epic.


best time of year. thank you all!

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just a week away



holy fuckkkkk


Happy Madvent guys!


Happy Madvent!!!!




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